
A train with French military equipment passed through Switzerland to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The train with French military equipment proceeded to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) through Swiss territory, the Swiss government said.

It is clarified that no special permission was required for the transit of military equipment, since Bern is participating in efforts to promote peace in BiH.

“These vehicles are intended for the strategic reserve forces, which from April will strengthen the EU mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina EUFOR Althea <...> Since stability in the Western Balkans is in the interests of Switzerland, it contributes to these efforts, participating in this mission since 2004 with 20 armed military personnel,” the Federal Council said in a statement.

The government explained that the task of the mission established by decision of the UN Security Council is to “ensure a deterrent presence in order to guarantee security in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

As Regnum reported, in February, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the countries of the collective West took away the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina and turned the state into their colony, replacing the principles of the Dayton Agreements. The West continues its experiments on the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who already suffered from NATO aggression in 1995, the diplomat added. According to her, trying to replace the fundamental principles of the peace treaty, the West is following the “best” traditions of its neocolonial policy. The goal is to turn BiH into a raw materials and political appendage of the Western bloc, Zakharova emphasized.

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Naryshkin: in 1814, Russia did not allow Britain and Prussia to dismember France
After the capitulation of Paris in 1814, Russia did not allow European countries to divide France into several parts, thus preserving it as a European power, said on April 8 the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), chairman of the Russian Historical Society Sergei Naryshkin.

In 1814, Russia not only helped the peoples of Europe end a bloody war, but also contributed to the establishment of a just post-war world order, Naryshkin noted during a round table dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the capture of Paris by the Russian army.

“Opposing its allies, primarily Great Britain and Prussia, who insisted on dismembering France into several parts, Russia did not allow the defeated France to be humiliated, which could upset the balance of power. Thus, Russia has preserved France as a great European power,” said the director of the SVR.

The Congress of Vienna, organized after the victory over Napoleonic France with the leading role of Russian diplomacy, developed a new system of international relations that provided Europe with several decades of peace and operated until it was destroyed by the European powers themselves, including Russia's former allies who opposed during the Crimean War, Naryshkin added.

As Regnum reported, on March 31, on the anniversary of the capture of Paris by the allied Russian-Prussian and Russian-German-Austrian armies, Senator Alexei Pushkov said that French President Emmanuel Macron, making statements about the possibility of sending troops to the conflict zone in Ukraine, may not aware of the fate of the army of the French Emperor Napoleon, the collapse of which began after the invasion of Russia.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, in turn, on the same day congratulated the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo and the French authorities on the 210th anniversary of the entry of the Russian army into Paris. The predecessors of the current leaders of France did not appreciate Russia’s peacefulness and paid dearly for it. Moscow stands for peace and cooperation, but on an equal basis, Zakharova emphasized.

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Text taken from the V Kontakte page of News Front

It was the USSR that allowed the French to sit at the table of the victorious powers of fascism - Naryshkin
If it were not for the position of the USSR, then France would not have been allowed to be among the victorious countries of fascist Germany in 1945. The director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the chairman of the Russianhistorical society Sergei Naryshkin at a round table dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the capture of Paris by the Russian army.

“We remember and honor the memory of the pilots of the Normandy-Niemen squadron, we remember the French Resistance. But we also remember that under the banner of Hitler, regiments and divisions of the French came to Russian soil,” he said. - We all remember this. And despite this, the Soviet Union, represented by Stalin, when the act of complete and unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed, placed the French representative on the side of the victorious powers. We all remember this. And the great French and world leader, General de Gaulle, remembered this. But in any case, most of the current political class (in France) has unfortunately forgotten about this.”

It should be noted that having declared war on Germany in September 1939, the French chose not to conduct offensive actions. France itself was surrendered to its authorities in 42 days. At the same time, the combat power of France and its allies was comparable to the forces of the Nazis.

According to some reports, when six years later German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel was forced to sign an act of unconditional surrender, he looked towards the French representative and, not without sarcasm, asked Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov: “Did these guys defeat us too?”

Posted by: badanov 2024-04-09