
Voices For a Return to God
[American Thinker] The need for a return to God is clearly evident in today’s deranged and dysfunctional world. It is a need, exceeding all others, that must be fulfilled in order to keep enemies of God from interfering with human life. Among them are men and women with top-heavy egos that make them apply their strength of mind and depth of soul to outplay the Creator instead of growing in wisdom.

To the charge that raising voices against the excess of human tragedy in today’s world for having dismissed God is "irrational," my response must be that intellectuals of that persuasion, having lost their way to the truth, continue to omit from their thinking an essential reality. Expressed succinctly, it is that at the root of every knowledge — the basic assumptions and "givens" — is an "X" that can never be solved, ultimately requiring a leap of faith in order to proceed in any direction.

In his writings and lectures, mathematician and philosopher Jacob Bronowski made clear to fellow scientists and laymen that all rational systems, including mathematics and physics, have inescapable and permanent dead ends, beyond which it is impossible to proceed.

An overview of Jacob Bronowski’s Ascent of Man tells us that "we have to cure ourselves of the itch for absolute knowledge and power," in sync with the button-pushing ease of modern times and the de facto anti-human activity of amoral elites who consistently fail to touch people.

The voices calling for this urgent need are many; Here are a few:
Posted by: Besoeker 2024-04-22