
The psychological core of antisemitism
[American Thinker] Recently, I focused on normal adolescent rebellion and by extension abnormal adolescent rebellion and negative identity formation among American university students who embrace Hamas, death to Israel, and antisemitic violence toward their Jewish classmates.

My post drew some interesting pithy comments that furthered my thinking about the surge of violent antisemitism in American and foreign universities. Here are some of the key ideas related to a deeper understanding of the recently emerging form of antisemitism in America and the world.

1. ENVY. Envy of Israeli Jewish persons’ successful pursuit of excellent education. Envy of Israeli Jewish persons’ successful pursuit of wealth and business success. Envy of Jewish people’s religious and spiritual resilience and its impact on solid family and community ties.

2. RESENTMENT. Resentment of Israeli Jews’ successful democratic processes and leadership that genuinely seeks to continually improve the prosperity, freedom, culture, agriculture, research, and educational ethos of its citizens. This resentment turns to violent antisemitic envy when comparison is observed to the theocratic, self-serving, and power-promoting leadership of the PLO, Hamas, Hezb’allah, and the ultimate theocratic gods in Iran.

3. PROJECTION. When Hamas, Hezb’allah, and Iran trumpet hate toward the Great Satans in Israel , America, and the West, they are revealing the extreme of their massive psychological projection. In essence, the ultimate conflict in Gaza and the Mideast is the unresolvable conflict between un-reformed Islam, really Islamism, and democratic ideals of personal freedom and genuine democratic social-cultural pluralism. Islamist antisemitic hate is one of its more virulent forms.

American and Western diplomacy with its "two state solution" does not effectively recognize the above barriers, which Trump’s Abraham Accords had begun to break down.
Posted by: Besoeker 2024-05-01