
Bill Maher Torches Biden Over Student Loan Bailout: ‘My Tax Dollars' Are Funding ‘Jew Hating'
[WIRE] Comedian Bill Maher took a shot at President Joe Biden this week for effectively supporting the anti-Semitic protesters on college campuses with his latest student loan bailout.

Maher made the remarks Friday evening on his HBO show "Real Time" while discussing the recent demonstrations that have roiled numerous top universities.

"When I read about the college loans ... ’Biden administration’s student debt cancelation will cost a combined $870 billion to $1.4 trillion.’ That’s a lot of debt forgiveness," Maher said. "Colleges constantly raise tuition, then the kids take out more loans, then the government comes by and pays those loans. Okay, so my tax dollars are supporting this Jew hating? I don’t think so."

Maher discussed the issue with former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and Bloomberg Businessweek correspondent Joshua Green.

"Yeah, I mean, Trump is winning the youth vote by, I think, 11 points, that’s pretty astounding to me," Maher said, referring to a recent CNN poll. "What do you make of that?"
Posted by: Besoeker 2024-05-05