
Defiant Arafat survives direct hit
A defiant Yasser Arafat said said he would not capitulate to Israel after surviving a direct hit on his headquarters in Ramallah.
Ah, the "accidental bullet" routine...
But the Palestinian leader, who remains under siege in the badly damaged compound, called for an end to attacks inside Israel.
"Yeah! Knock it off, you guys! These things are gettin' pretty close!"
He said: "I reiterate my call to the Palestinian people and all our parties to halt any violent attacks inside Israel because Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exploits them as a cover to destroy the peace of the brave."
That means he kicks the crap out of Yasser every time it happens...
"We are ready for peace but not for capitulation, and we will not give up Jerusalem or a grain of our soil which are guaranteed to us by international law," he said.
"International law" seems to be the last resort of the scoundrel, with apologies to Mr Twain...
The Israeli army has demanded that Arafat surrender 20 wanted militants it says are holed up with him at the compound that has been turned into a wasteland by Israeli explosives and armoured bulldozers.
"C'mon, Yasser. Dump the gunnies. Don't make us come in there...!"
Israeli forces earlier demolished areas around the office building and at least 19 Palestinians surrendered after troops began tearing down parts of the complex.
"C'mon out, Mahmoud, or we drop the building on you..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-21