
NGO Freedom House, which called for taking away the assets of the Russian Federation, was recognized as undesirable
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[Regnum] American non-governmental organization (NGO) Freedom House, inc.
…founded in 1941 to advocate for democracy and human rights, it is primarily funded by the US State Department…
recognized as undesirable in Russia. This was reported by the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

“The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation recognized the activities of the international non-governmental organization Freedom House, Inc. as undesirable. (USA). Among the main activities of Freedom House is promoting the establishment of the so-called “dominant” role of the United States in the world,” the department’s website says.

They noted that since the beginning of the special operation, this organization has been actively promoting the policies of unfriendly states regarding the conflict in Ukraine, including discrediting the Russian Armed Forces.

Moreover, Freedom House calls for comprehensive assistance to Kyiv “to defeat Russia,” the confiscation of frozen Russian assets in favor of Ukraine, and the introduction of new sanctions against Russia and third countries that allegedly support Moscow.

“The organization provides information, financial, legal and other support to Russian opposition structures, pro-Western and LGBT activists (the movement is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation - editor’s note), communities defending their interests, and persons convicted of committing terrorist crimes,” - added the Prosecutor General's Office.

As Regnum reported, on May 3, the Ministry of Justice added the “Committee of Ingush Independence” to the register of undesirable organizations (an organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent in the Russian Federation and is recognized as undesirable).

On April 27, the Ministry of Justice included in the list of undesirable organizations “Feminist Anti-War Resistance” (an organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent in Russia and is recognized as undesirable).

Posted by: badanov 2024-05-08