
I will not be joining the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Bar
Some of us older very early days Internet Geeks have known, or know of Karl Auerbach. Karl has been involved in Internets design since the early 1970s. Over Karl's career he has designed and fielded initial early VOIP, WiFi working prototype devices.

As a Lawyer he has even come out and stated his contempt for the SCOTUS, given its growing Political and not Constitutional rulings.

His appraisal of the current SCOTUS are felt by a growing number of American Citizens.

[CaveBear] SCOTUS is no longer an institution with honor or integrity.

The court has replaced its historical intellectual honesty with selective, goal-oriented, tribal pseudo-logic. The enormous increase in shadow docket decisions, lacking both argument and opinions, has further eroded faith in the court.
Posted by: Nn2N1 2024-05-24