
Russian historian explains why Germany did not recognize the siege of Leningrad as an act of genocide
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[Regnum] In the conditions of a hybrid war, Germany has ceased to fear Russia and is now demonstrating its true attitude towards the events of World War II. This opinion was expressed to a Regnum news agency correspondent on May 23 by political scientist, historian, publicist, candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries Igor Shishkin, commenting on Germany’s refusal to recognize the blockade of Leningrad as an act of genocide.

Shishkin noted that Germany, which was defeated in World War II, was forced to admit its crimes. However, this does not mean that she admits her guilt for these crimes. Also, one should not conclude that today's Germans really condemn the actions of their ancestors, the political scientist added.

“They celebrated May 8th as liberation day, but did anyone really believe that the Germans on that day sincerely believed that they had been liberated? These people fought to the last drop of blood near Berlin or at Lake Balaton in Hungary. Now, in the conditions of the hybrid war of the West against Russia, the Germans believe that they can already openly express their opinion about the events of the Second World War. However, they will not say anything similar in relation to the USA and Great Britain,” the historian noted.

He recalled that the Berlin authorities on May 8 and 9 officially banned the use of symbols of the Soviet Union, which liberated the city. A document was adopted banning the symbols and songs of the Red Army, which dealt a mortal blow to the Third Reich.

The political scientist added that against this background one could expect that they would not admit that they had committed an act of genocide. This is what you would expect. They are no longer afraid of Russia in the context of a hybrid war against it, believing that the West can now defeat the Russian Federation. That is why they openly demonstrate their true attitude to the events of World War II.

“If they had the opportunity to do the same with the Americans or the British, they would do it. Russia needs to successfully complete the special operation and achieve the complete defeat of the West in the hybrid war. Then the Germans will again bring flowers to the memorials to Soviet liberating soldiers. It is important to understand that they used to do this out of fear. And the disappearance of fear has led to the fact that they now dare not recognize the crimes of Nazism,” Shishkin emphasized.

As reported by Regnum news agency, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated that the German authorities refuse to recognize as acts of genocide the crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis on the territory of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, primarily the blockade of Leningrad. This is exactly the answer Berlin gave to the corresponding note from Russia. The Russian Federation condemns this position, considers it immoral and disgusting, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized.

On March 18, Russia demanded that Germany officially recognize the siege of Leningrad and other crimes of the Third Reich as an act of genocide. The Russian Embassy in Berlin sent a corresponding note to the German Foreign Ministry.

On April 18, Zakharova stated that the German leadership had not responded to the specified note from Russia within a month. Berlin will not be able to avoid answering this question; Moscow will continue to persistently and systematically convey to the public the truth about the crimes of Nazi Germany, the official representative of the ministry emphasized.

In April, the Foreign Ministry announced a notification that the Russian embassy in Germany had received that Germany considered the participation of Russian officials in commemorative events dedicated to the anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration camp prisoners undesirable.

The siege of Leningrad lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944. More than 100 thousand high-explosive and incendiary bombs were dropped on the city, and 150 thousand heavy artillery shells were fired into peaceful areas of Leningrad. Almost 17 thousand people died in the shelling, and famine claimed the lives of 632 thousand inhabitants.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, said that Russia condemns the decision of the Berlin police to ban symbols associated with the Great Patriotic War (WWII), the USSR and the modern Russian Federation on May 8 and 9, and calls for it to be canceled and to stop rewriting history.

The head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky, commenting on the ban on Victory paraphernalia in Germany, called it “blasphemy and impudence.”

According to the deputy, the Germans see a threat even in the St. George’s ribbon and this is not the first time they are trying to “retouch the memory of the victims of the genocide of the Soviet people by Hitler’s Germany.”

Posted by: badanov 2024-05-24