
Purges of anti-Yasser forces?
And another, courtesy of Steve...
The Sept. 20 political coup attempt against Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat led by Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Abu Mazen threatens to unleash a small-scale civil war among Palestinians. After death threats from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's heavy mob, Abu Mazen himself has fled his home outside Ramallah and is now in Jordan, apparently planning an extended "working tour" to Egypt and Russia.
Looks like he tried to move too fast...
Over the last two days, Arafat's Al Aqsa enforcers have launched armed attacks on the homes of two more of the anti-Arafat plotters, former Cabinet minister Nabil Amir and West Bank security chief Zuhair Manasrah.
The coppers revolted when Manasrah was named. Since this is apparently their first opportunity to ditch him, it looks like they're taking the direct route...
Amir, one of Arafat's sternest critics who mourns the loss of "a historic opportunity" at President Bill Clinton's Camp David talks two years ago, was unhurt when his house in Ramallah's al-Tira suburb was raked by automatic fire. Manasrah's house got the same treatment Thursday. Palestinians say these were warning shots, rather than assassination attempts.
I love it when Paleostinians are subtle...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-27