
Presidential sites - a 'deal-breaker'
The exclusion of the so called "presidential sites" from the discussions in Vienna on the return of the weapons inspectors means that a major problem - potentially a deal-breaker - is unresolved. The Vienna talks did not deal with them because they were the subject of a special agreement between the UN and Iraq in 1998. The United States and Britain are now demanding what they describe as "unfettered" access to all sites. If they continue to include presidential sites in this definition and Iraq refuses, then it could be a cause for breakdown - and a cause for war. If they make an exception for presidential sites, it would undermine their own charges that Iraq uses these places to hide forbidden weapons.
Masterful analysis. And what did you do with the other 55 minutes of the hour it took you to write this entire article?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-02