
Why we fight...
Kathy has the link to the constitution drafted by the lunatics Islamists for Britain. It would establish a divine-right khalifate, ruled by pious, God-fearing Muslims (nobody else), with automatic weapons.
Article 8 The Arabic language is the language of Islam and the sole language of the State.

Article 11 The primary function of the State is the propagation of the invitation (da'wah) to Islam.

Article 21 Muslims are entitled to establish political parties to question the rulers and to access the positions of ruling through the nation (Ummah) on condition that the parties are based on the creed of Islam and their adopted rules are divine rules; the establishment of such a party does not require a license by the State. Any party not established on the basis of Islam is prohibited.

Article 22 The ruling system is founded upon four principles. They are: 1. sovereignty belongs to the divine law (shar'a) and not to the people; 2. authority belongs to the people, i.e., the Ummah; 3. the appointment of a Khaleefah into office is an obligation upon all Muslims; 4. only the Khaleefah has the right to adopt the Ahkam Shari'ah and thus he passes the constitution and the various canons.
There's lots more. Most of it is sickening. The phrase "over my dead body" kept popping to mind, sometimes alternating with "I'd rather be gutted." The stench is emanating from an elemental level — the negation of all our history since Homer.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-03