
U.S. gives NKor a good talking to...
A U.S. envoy expressed Washington's concern about North Korea's missile and weapons programs and human rights record during what he described Saturday as "frank" security talks in North Korea.
I speak enough Diplomatese to know that when you have "frank" talks, you start a lot of your sentences with "Godammit!" and sometimes say "You're full of it!"
Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly arrived back in South Korea after holding the United States' first high-level talks with North Korean officials in two years.
Before you hold high-level talks, you've gotta hold low-level talks. This involves sending several guys who make coffee in your office, or who deliver the hard copies of the morning briefing but aren't allowed to read them, over to talk to the guys who make tea and deliver the drafts of the day's speeches. If they don't gouge each other's eyes out, you can send a sergeant to talk to their sergeant, both of them bringing a lieutenant along so he can get some experience. If no shots are fired, you can find either a senior officer to send or a senior civil service guy. Finally they reach the stage where the Political Appointees can talk face to face and call each other names. This will either result in an agreement, maybe with book rights for the politicals, or it will destroy the house of cards the previous teams have constructed and everyone will have to start all over again from scratch.
Kelly went to Pyongyang on Thursday to determine whether North Korea was willing to address American concern over the communist state's weapons programs, conventional force deployment and human rights issues. "I expressed our serious concerns about these matters and raised the implications of North Korean conduct for regional and global peace and stability and for the North's relations with the United States and also its neighbors and for its own future," Kelly said in a statement.
Since the NKors' have a long border with Lalaland, and have been heavily influence culturally by the La-La people, their definitions of seemingly basic concepts tend to differ wildly from ours. This will be a long process, and they might very well collapse before there's any sort of agreement. If that happens, the politicals involved will have a higher position the next time his/her/its party is in power, whether they had anything to do with it or not.
The talks in Pyongyang "were frank as befits the seriousness of our differences and they were useful too," he said. But "there were no decisions on additional meetings at this time," Kelly added.
"You people are crazy! I'm going home!"
"Well, fine, then! Go and be damned!"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-05