
Anti-Navy Protest Earns Anger, Picketing
People living in Coronado [San Diego] held a loud demonstration in front of a woman's home Friday, protesting what they call a lack of respect for the U.S. Navy.
She'll be squalling about her freedom of speech. But...
Tamara Norman has defaced her own car with words critical of the Navy and parked the car where everyone entering the island can see it. Norman lives along the road that carries commuters from the Coronado Bridge to North Island, and for years she has been a vocal opponent of the noise from the cars going by.
San Diego... San Diego... Doesn't the Navy do something there?... Bet the cars were going by before she got there, unless she's six years older than God...
Norman has taken now taken her protest a step further, by spray-painting insults against the Navy and Adm. Jose Bettencourt on her Isuzu Trooper. "Not Navy port whore! Go rape your mother," a sign in the SUV's windshield declares.
It's sad when they get so old and decrepit they can't make a living as a hooker in a port town...
Her actions resulted in having eggs being thrown at the car.
Tossing eggs and rotten fruit used to be an integral part of political discourse in this country. 'Course, so did tar and feathers...
"If she wants to put up a sign that says 'I hate the Navy,' that's fine. If she wants to put up a sign that says, 'I hate the traffic,' that's OK. But when she calls the military, my friends, my family whores and rapers, I get mad," Gray said. Demonstrators said they plan to picket in front of the home every day, until the insults are removed.
"I'll defend to the death your right to say and damned stupid thing you want. I'll also defend to the death my right to call you a hemorrhoid and occasionally to apply topical fruit poutrices."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-05