
Sami sez Talibs are gonna make a comeback...
Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) leaders Maulana Samiul Haq and Qazi Hussain Ahmad have claimed that the Taliban will re-emerge soon, saying that the fate of the United States in Afghanistan will not be different from that of the former Soviet Union.
And when the Talibs make their comeback, these are the guys they're gonna tell first...
The ongoing war against terror is actually a war against the Muslim world and the Muslims from Afghanistan to Iraq and Palestine have been targeted, the MMA leaders said in an interview with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Societe Radio Canada correspondent Patrick Brown here. Mr Haq said everybody and even the Americans had recognized that the Taliban had restored tranquillity in war-ravaged Afghanistan and after their removal, chaos, lawlessness, looting and the rule of warlords had surfaced again.
Not quite true... Afghanistan was chock full of swaggering tough guys before the U.S. arrived. Arbitrary rule, public whippings, executions, mutilations, and the occasional massacre were the mark of Islam. Meanwhile, as the warlord population decreases, the ranks of the Talibs grow by fits and starts...
He predicted that the Afghans would gradually turn against the US and their allies, and when the people revolted, it would be a turning point that might pave the way for the re-emergence of the Taliban.
Or not. More likely, the Afghans will settle on something else, even if they want nothing to do with the Merkins. The Talibs turned out to be pretty hollow, except to Pashtuns...
Holding the US responsible for the destruction of Afghanistan, he lamented that marriage parties and civilians had been targeted and jailed, while bearded men had been labelled as terrorists.
"I mean, just fire in the Merkins' direction, and they get all bent out of shape...!"
The coalition against terrorism was a well-planned conspiracy of the US and its allies against the Muslims, the MMA leader said, adding that they wanted to attack Iraq. Later, they might turn their guns towards Iran and Saudi Arabia, he added.
Sounds like a pretty good idea...
Replying to a question, he said, "I do not know where Osama and Mullah Omar are staying, how they dodged the FBI and coalition forces and I am not in a position to say anything about their fate and whereabouts. Since long, we have not been in touch."
"They keep to themselves, out there in the guest house..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-05