
Israeli military personnel arrive at airbase in Qatar
IAP News
Israeli military personnel reportedly arrived at the al-Eideed American airbase in Qatar last week for the purpose of installing a radar system against possible Iraqi Scud missile attacks in case the US decides to attack Iraq, diplomatic sources in Jerusalem said Wednesday. The Western sources said the arrival of the 20-man team in Qatar was coordinated by Israeli foreign Minister Shimon Peres and his Qatari counterpart Hamas Ibn Jasem al Thani. The sources did not say if the Israeli personnel would stay long at the American airbase. However, the sources stressed that the arrival of the Israeli experts in Qatar embodied the "active trilateral cooperation and coordination between Qatar, the United States and Israel."
Evidently the Qataris aren't standing on the Arab high-horse that demands they refuse to talk to Israel without having the room fumigated...
Last month, the Qatari Foreign minister visited Israel and reportedly held secret talks with Israeli officials in Tel Aviv before meeting with Palestinian Authority Leader Yasser Arafat in his besieged office in Ramallah. Both Israel and Qatar did not make any mention of the meeting at the time.
But neither denied it. That's very interesting. And very hopeful...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-10