
Pak elections...
Musharraf pledges to hold fair polls
He also pledges to be 6'4", with blonde hair and blue eyes...

Steps for free, fair elections finalized
In Pakistan? When are they scheduled?

Elections today after three-year army rule: Parties fear rigging
"If we don't win, you know it's been rigged..."

Political parties unsure of accepting 'rigged' results
"Depends on whether we win or not. If we don't, it was rigged..."

PPP-P accuses Elections Commission of turning blind eye towards violations
"See? See? They're rigged, alright...!"

Entire poll process flawed, claims Human Rights Watch
"Nope. Nope. Fatally Flawed™. Just throw the whole thing out and start over, in another country, with new voters..."

President wants new faces elected
"I'm tired of seeing the same old crooks. Send some new crooks."

Benazir claims PPP to get 170 NA seats
"The PPP leader said that those who were the looters and plunderers of the national wealth had joined the king's party and were contesting in the present election."
"So we're clean now. We ain't crooks anymore. They all went somewhere else..."

'MQM to strive for people's rights'
"Vote for us! We hardly kill anybody!"

MMA's plan for first 100 days in power
The Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal has announced that in the first 100 days after coming into power it will create 500,000 new jobs, withdraw general sales tax on edible oil and ensure free education for all up to secondary level.
"Free candy for the kiddies, a chicken in every pot, plenty of free parking, and damn the Merkins!"

Over 10 million people to cast vote in Frontier
And hardly anybody's been killed. Ain't democracy grand?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-10