
CIA's 'Omar' forced into hiding
Thousands of United States troops scouring Afghanistan for Mullah Mohammad Omar have been looking for the wrong man, according to an Afghan villager who says that it is his face on the CIA's wanted poster and not that of the fugitive Taliban leader. Maulvi Hafizullah, a former protocol officer for the Taliban, says he has been hiding in fear for his life in a remote part of southern Afghanistan since his photograph appeared as Omar on hundreds of thousands of leaflets air-dropped by US forces earlier this year. The leaflets offer a $US5 million reward. Hafizullah, who had fled to his home village after the collapse of the Taliban last December, said he was horrified when he saw the leaflet.
"Holy crap! The Merkins want my head on a plate!"
"I looked at the photo and it was me. The CIA are blind and stupid."
So this clear-eyed, wise fellow's reaction is...
Besieged by villagers and even asked by his own five-year-old son if he was really Omar, Hafizullah said, he went into hiding. "I'm afraid to leave the house. If I do, soldiers or villagers will tear me to pieces so they can get the money."
That makes sense. No doubt he's waiting under his bed for a Merkin to walk by so that he can have a quick chat with him and clear up the whole mess...
Thanks to Paul for this one, too!

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-14