
Taliban Urges Hekmatyar to Unify Against U.S.
Source: IslamOnline
The Taliban called on Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of the Islamic Party, to unify efforts to resist the foreign troops and work to boot them out of Afghan territories. This came in an interview between a Taliban spokesman, who declined to reveal his name, and a presenter residing in Pakita province, who in turn sent a copy of the dialogue, written in Pashtun, to IslamOnline’s correspondent. Hekmatyar is the only one, other than Taliban, who declared jihad against the Americans, stressed the spokesman, accusing other parties of "allying themselves with the Americans to gain seats in the American proxy government."
Previous reports have claiming that Hekmatyar was allying with the Talibs, but then Hek decided he hadn't called for jihad anyway, so apparently the Bad Guy coalition uncoalesced sometime around the middle of last month...
The spokesman, however, criticized Hekmatyar for not declaring jihad against the proxy government of Hamid Karzai. "The Taliban are in close relation with every mujahid to enforce the teaching of (Islamic) shariah," said the spokesman, adding "we consider them brothers and hope to unify our ranks."
... and now the Talibs are trying to put the agreement back together.
The spokesman lashed out at those who heap blame on the Taliban for the havoc wreaked at Afghanistan, dividing them to four categories. "The pro-America and their associates who work for their own interest and are being paid to narcotize the public.
"Narcotizing the public" would appear to mean leaving people alone to conduct their lives the way they want...
"Those who conceal their high treason and cooperation with America such as Sayyaf (Abd Rabd el-Rasool Sayyaf, one of the major mujahidein against the Russians) and Rabbani, (former Afghan president).
Rasool's never been able to work any way but by playing both sides against the middle. Rabbani's strength was Masood, and now that he's gone he doesn't have much except for his elder-statesman status, and he doesn't do that well. Since the Talibs wanted to kill him before, it'll be difficult, even with Afghan politix, to ally with them now...
"Nationalist fundamentalists like the followers of Shah Massod (Ahmad Shah Masood), communists and atheists such as Dostum (incumbent Afghan deputy defense minister Abdul Rashid Dostum) and Shiite. In addition to traitors and media-mongers trying to court America and its proxy government."
Yep. That's an unholy mix. Ain't it terrible that Dostum doesn't give a phart about bowing down toward Mecca five times a day?
Regarding Taliban’s military capability, the spokesman recalled "the defense ministry had more than 40,000 students registered in the interior ministry and others. Some died as martyrs and some were captured and sent to prisons in Guantanamo, Cuba". He added that around 1,000 students are assigned with guarding the Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.
Yep. Every one of them is a highly trained fanatic...
The Taliban are the only power "threatening the enemy", he said, putting U.S. causalities in Afghanistan at 300 dead soldiers, 65 prisoners and 16 helicopters shut down. "The enemies losses reached between 20 to 30 soldiers a month of the foreign troops but their corpses are being placed in refrigerators in Pakistan or the Afghan emirates and are not flown home for fear of stirring the public opinion in their countries," said the Taliban spokesman.
But... What about the guy with the sore shoulders?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-14