
US Warns Afghan Commanders To Surrender
Source: Daily Islam, Translated by Jihad Unspun
America has warned armed Afghan Commanders to join and cooperate with Afghan Administration. American representative for Afghanistan, Dr. Lamay Khalil Zad has said that the armed commanders, who are not in the administration and have formed their independent governments, should surrender their armed men and submit to Hamid Karzai’s rule. Khalil Zad said that the American government has helped these Commanders generously in the past and it is not going to happen any more.
Normally, in most civilized countries, when there's a government the local tough guys acknowledge its authority and maybe even hang up their shootin' arns. They turn from being warlords to being politicians, and rather than running around killing people and that sort of thing, they concentrate on building up local industry and farms, keeping people employed, generating jobs and wealth, and raking off part of it in the form of taxation. These guys seem to have missed that part — guess it's not an old Afghan tradition anymore...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-14