
Muslim Leaders Urge Muslims To Stand Up
Source: Palestine Information Centre
Muslim leaders and religious scholars on Friday castigated America's war on Islam and Islamic movements around the world, calling US war on "terror" another western crusade against Islamic countries.
It has nothing to do with them killing our people. We just generically hate them...
"This is a war against Islam, against the Prophet Muhammed, against the Qura'an," said Sheikh Walid al-Haj, a popular speaker in Hebron. "Don't you believe them when they tell you they are only against terror, they are against every thing Islamic. Didn't you see how Bush and his gang remained silent when one of the pigs (Jerry Falwell) described the Prophet Muhammed as a terrorist," said al Haj during Friday sermon.
Unlike the situation pervading Muslim countries, in the USA you can say any damned stupid thing you want and nobody will kill you for it...
Preachers in Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron and Jerusalem more or less had the same message about the US and Israel. "Look, they are supporting Jewish Nazism soul and heart. They are besmirching Islam and vilifying our holy prophet. Muslims ought to take note of all of this," said the Juma'a speaker in the town of Dura, 10 miles south West of Dura [sic].
What was that part about "monkeys and apes" again?
In Lebanon, Sheikh Muhammed Hussein Fadlullah accused US President George Bush of supporting the anti-Islamic voices in the United States. Fadlullah said Muslims all over the world ought to remain vigilant and rise up to defend their faith against this new wave of wars and crusades against Islam.
The wars and crusades have nothing to do with the jihad declared against the West, of course...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-14