
Teeny boom artist nabbed in Kuwait...
Kuwaiti authorities arrested a teenager Thursday who had explosives in his car near a shopping center and residential high-rise where some U.S. military personnel live just outside Kuwait City. A 17-year-old male was arrested near the Alia and Ghalia towers in Fintas, about 15 miles south of Kuwait City, an Interior Ministry official said. Several U.S. military personnel live in the building.
"When I grow up, I wanna be just like Osama bin Laden and go to Afghanistan and wage war against the infidels and beat women. Do ya think they'll let me beat women? Can I beat Fatimah?"
"Mahmoud, leave your sister alone. She didn't do anything to you."
"C'n I have some virgins? Can I? Can I? Huh? Ple-e-e-e-ase, c'n I have some virgins?"

The youth had 10 bottles filled with gasoline, each with a cloth fuse, in his car, and told police he had received orders from Pakistan over the Internet to place the explosives in the towers. However, the youth apparently reported the suspicious vehicle himself, waited in the area and, when approached by police, admitted to driving the car containing the explosives.
So the kid's not actually a jihadi, he's a dimbulb, who wanted to get caught doing jihadi stuff. "Hmmph! They didn't pick me for the lacrosse team at school. I'll show them...!"
The teen was arrested, he said. The car belonged to the teen's father, according to the Kuwait News Agency.
"Dad, c'n I use the car to bomb infidels?"
"You'd better have it back here by 9. And if there's one bullet hole in it, you're gonna get it!"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-17