
Riyadh's 'blind eye' to al-Qaeda
Saudi Arabia is the al-Qaeda terror network’s main financier but the kingdom’s rulers have deliberately turned a blind eye to the problem. The report, from the influential New York-based Council on Foreign Relations, also criticises the US for failing to confront Riyadh over its terror links. It says that the House of Saud has tolerated millions of dollars a year being raised for al-Qaeda inside the kingdom. “It is worth stating clearly and unambiguously what official US government spokespersons have not,” the report states. “For years, individuals and charities based in Saudi Arabia have been the most important source of funds for al-Qaeda, and for years the Saudi officials have turned a blind eye to the problem.”
I hope CFR didn't spend an awful lot of money researching that. Anybody who reads blogs knew that, oh... 'bout a year ago, at least. If they did spend a lot of money on that, I'm available for their next project...
The council’s study is particularly damning about US claims that Saudi Arabia is co-operating in the worldwide fight to stop terrorist financing, “when they (the US Government) know very well all the ways in which it is not”.
Who authored that report? Charles Johnson? Bill Quick? Kathy? C'mon, guys. 'Fess up...!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-18