
Laskar Jihad will leave Poso conflict area
Former chairman of the Central Sulawesi branch of the "Ahlussunah wal Jamaah" Communication Forum, which oversees the Laskar Jihad Muslim militia group, Zabir, disclosed here on Monday that all members of the militia would leave the Poso conflict area by the end of next month. On Saturday Oct. 12, the militia's commander Jafar Umar Thalib dissolved Laskar Jihad, saying that the militia was no longer needed as a legion.
"Yes, men, and a job well-done it is! The economy of Sulawesi is in ruins, the inhabitants no longer think of themselves as Indonesians, but as Muslims or (spit!) Christians, and each erupts into paroxysms of hatred at the mention of the other. So now, since the Feds seem like they're really cheesed this time, away like the wind!"
He said the organization would alternate its activities to serve in social and religious missions in the fields of education, health care and subversion Islamic propagation. Following the dissolution, some 780 members left the Ambon conflict area in Maluku province for their respective hometowns in Java. Meanwhile, Zabir pointed out that some 70 members had left Poso, while the rest would be sent back to Java gradually. "It is likely that I will be the last to go," he said. He said the militia members have been instructed by forum leaders in its headquarters in Saudi Arabia to leave the conflict areas.
Mighty nice of the Indons to roll over and let their ethnic strife be controlled from Saudi Arabia, isn't it?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-21