
Iran got nuclear know-how from North Korea
Part of North Korea's efforts to produce enriched uranium, as well as tests on its long-range missile engines, are being conducted in Iran, in exchange for Pyongyang aid to Tehran in these two areas, as well as the concealment of such efforts from the United States' and North Korea's neighbors. The deal will certainly advance Iran's nuclear ambitions.
The Axis of Evil is starting to look a lot more literal than it did...
Apparently, Pyongyang entered the deal with the intention of hiding its activity from the spying eyes of the United States' and North Korea's neighbors. American intelligence, and the intelligence services of Japan and South Korea, have long been watching Pyongyang's nuclear and missile technology.
And coverage of North Korean and Iran crosses an internal organizatinal line...
The Iranians are getting know-how from North Korea on building centrifuges for producing enriched uranium as well as know-how on developing engines for long-range missiles. Foreign sources say the North Korean centrifuges in Iran have reached the operational stage for production, but they do not know when the stage was reached and how much of the processed uranium Iran will get from North Korea's centrifuges.
We'll know when the Iranians go into production, when Tel Aviv gets it. Maybe we should do something before then?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-21