
Shooter Boy and Dad Nabbed...
Two men wanted for questioning in the wave of deadly sniper attacks were arrested early Thursday after they were found sleeping in their car at a Maryland rest stop. The arrests raised hopes of a conclusion to the intensive and often frustrating investigation of the shootings that have killed 10 people and critically wounded three others since Oct. 2 in the Washington, D.C., area.
Told ya there was a turban involved. Ignore the fact that I was wrong on most of the other stuff...
The men were not immediately charged in the attacks, but authorities made clear the arrests were considered pivotal. The lead investigator described one of the suspects as "armed and dangerous," and a newspaper report said the men were motivated by anti-American bias.
The rest of us are motivated by anti-Bad Guy bias...

See last night's postings for details of the events leading up to it...

FOLLOWUP 10.20 a.m.

The radio (ABC News) is reporting that President Bush has been briefed that the case is solved. I wouldn't put my entire considerable weight down yet — Kathy has the story behind the "duck in a noose" remark that Chief Moose recited last night.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-24