
France thumbs Russian eye over Chechnya...
Ben pointed me to this last night...
Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said a solution to the Chechnyan crisis lay in a political settlement. "I believe one must distinguish between things: terrorism, which is reprehensible in all its forms and wherever it might be, and crises which genuinely call for the search for a political solution. This is clearly the case in Chechnya, we've said it for years," Villepin said on Europe 1 radio.
I'm no diplomat, so I probably don't understand the subtle message being sent here, so I'd just go ahead and call this is a remarkably stupid and insensitive statement. If gun-totin', bomb-wearing snuffies taking hostage 750 people who weren't doing anything more dangerous than going to a show isn't terrorism, I can't think of anything else that is. If they do it in the name of a group of banditti who've assigned to themselves the right to govern Chechnya, that makes the banditti either terrorists themselves — assuming the reports of Maskhadov's blessing are true — or a terrorist supporting organization at the very least, since they didn't tell the Bad Guys operating in their names to cease and desist immediately. The fact that they're funded, supported, and even prayed for by the Soddies makes them a part of the Soddies' international terror machine.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-10-27