
Last of the elections for tonite...
11 p.m. Looking good for Bob Ehrlich (R) in Maryland, with 93 percent of the vote in — he's leading 52-47 over The Fair Kathleen... Fox calls it for Bob! Hurrah! (I have to live here, y'know...)

Dick Gephardt is putting the best face on the loss of incumbent-vs-incumbent house seats... Even as he spoke, Publicanette Nancy Johnson was projected the winner in Connecticut... Liberal Publican Connie Morella loses to Chris van Holland to balance things. Beat her by four points in liberal Montgomery County, after the district was packed with Dems in redistricting...

Talent up by four points in Missouri with half the precincts in...

Carcieri (R) takes Rhode Island governorship... That one was a surprise...

Damn! Ruppersberger (D) won in Ehrlich's old district...

Gordon Smith (R) keeps his seat in Oregon...

Wayne Allard's up 8 points over his Democrat challenger in Colorado. It's not called yet, but it looks good...

Minnesota's still too close to call... White House sez they're convinced Coleman will win, based on calls from the field.

From Drudge... NYT: 'A CAMPAIGN WITH NO LACK OF BIG ISSUES FAILS TO INVIGORATE VOTERS'... That means the Publicans are holding their own...

Texas Senate called for John Cornyn (R)...

Mary Landrieu (D) claims victory, kinda, in Louisianna. She's got to have a runoff with her closest challenger, who's one of several Publicans opposing her...

Georgia governor's race: Gov. Roy Barnes reported to have conceded. That's an upset...

Minnesota still too close to call, though Coleman's well up on Mondale... Not enough precincts in yet...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-11-05