
Al-Faruq's testimony valid: Police
National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar said here on Saturday that Indonesian investigators had met with Omar al-Faruq, a terror suspect being held by U.S. security forces in Afghanistan. "Police had met directly with al-Faruq and we had taken his finger prints, we even have documentation," Da'i was quoted by Antara as saying.
Taking his prints kind of implies a face-to-face meeting, doesn't it?
Koran Tempo reported on Saturday that Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle legislator Permadi said Da'i had told him on Friday that the investigators had failed to meet al-Faruq face to face. Al-Faruq has reportedly linked Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Ba'asyir to the shadowy terrorist organization, Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). JI are suspected of having played a role in the deadly Bali bomb blasts on Oct. 12. The admission emerged after he questioned the investigation team's official report which contained just "yes" and "no" answers from al-Faruq, who was arrested in Indonesia but handed over to U.S. authorities.
The Islamists and their supporters are going all out to discredit Faruq and to paint him as a CIA stooge. The coppers having Amrozi in custody presents a bit of a problem for them, since he's a second line to Bashir, through Hambali.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-11-09