
U.S. Fighter Jets Patrol Yemen
U.S. fighter jets have patrolled Yemen's northern border with Saudi Arabia as Yemeni forces hunt for al-Qaida operatives. An official said U.S. jets were patrolling the border provinces of Marib and Jawf, strongholds of Muslim militants where the al-Qaida terror group is believed to be active. The official said operations were designed to "tighten the grip on al-Qaida suspects who are believed to be relocating in these tribal strongholds in the wake of the latest U.S. attack." Tribal leaders in the region said Americans have also been seen on the ground aiding Yemenis special forces troops. U.S. officials at the Pentagon and National Security Council did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment.
The Pentagon and NSC are probably very busy right now. Why don't you guys try sometime next week?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-11-17