
US should disarm first, says ex-US President Carter
Former US president Jimmy Carter, this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner, called on Friday ‘ for disarmament by the United States...’
Hello? We're at war and he wants to disarm?
"One of the things that the United States government has not done is to try to comply with and enforce international efforts targeted to prohibit the arsenals of biological weapons that we ourselves have," Carter said on CNN's Larry King Live programme broadcast late Friday.
Let's spin the wheel at moral relativism...We have them, the terrorists want them, let's give the weapons to the terrorists so its nice and fair.
"There is a sense that the United States has become too arrogant, too dominant, too self-centered, proud of our wealth, believing that we deserve to be the richest and most powerful and influential nation in the world," the 78-year-old lemming... surrender monkey former president said.
It's OK, we sure as hell didn't feel that way when you were el Caudillo, that's why the American people overwhelmingly turned you out...
"I think they feel that we don't really care about them, which is quite often true."
It's the voice of irrelevency...the fading voice...
Posted by: Brian 2002-11-17