
Shoe bomber sez he's Jamaican, mon.
  • "We are concerned that hijackers may attempt to smuggle disassembled weapons on board an airliner by hiding weapon components within their shoes,'' a Dec. 11 Federal Aviation Administration advisory to airlines and security personnel stated. "He appears to be of Middle Eastern descent. I couldn't go further than that,'' said state police Capt. Tom Robbins, describing yesterday's airline bomb suspect. Reid claimed he was from Jamaica.
    Rather than confiscating nail clippers, perhaps it would make more sense to allow airline passengers to carry knives, clubs, brass knuckles and guns under .32 caliber. I have a dream, a dream in which an American Airlines flight diverts to Logan. On Runway 4 the plane stops. The door opens. The bullet-riddled body of an attempted hijacker is tossed to the tarmac with a satisfying "splat." The door closes and the plane resumes its flight to Miami. Was the faint sound of cheering heard coming from inside the plane? Satisfying, isn't it? (Unless you're a jihadi.)
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-12-23
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=796