
Bush to receive Iraq attack options
  • A shortlist of three options for attacking Iraq will be presented to President George W. Bush next month.
    There will be a certain amount of satisfaction when Sammy is nothing but a lingering odor, but he shouldn't be as far up on the list as he is. The fight this time is against fundamentalist networks, not against Iraq's politically-based system. Unless he's trying to raise support in the "Arab street," Sammy could care less about religion. He's a tin-hat dictator in the tradition of Mussolini and Hitler, but "without the warmth and humanity." The greater and more immediate danger is the Wahhabi-driven network of jihadis and a much better place to start would be Kashmir or Chechnya - or Kosovo. Regardless of where, the real target has to be the "board of directors," since it's become obvious Osama bin Laden wasn't the top of the pyramid. So Sammy is a sideshow and his destruction should be almost an afterthought.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-12-23
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=799