
Yasser sez he's goin' to Bethlehem. Yoo betcha.
  • Palestinian sources said that in spite of an Israeli ban on him attending Christmas Mass in Bethlehem, Chairman-for-Life Yasser Arafat's convoy would make its way to the city, and confront Israeli soldiers who try to block his way. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem said in response that Israel would not let Arafat through the IDF checkpoints. "We will not give in to the head of an entity that supports terror, while master terrorists roam free at his side." they said. The Prime Minister's Office said that Israel respected freedom of religion, but that Arafat himself was Muslim. Arafat repeated his pledge to go to Bethlehem for Christmas, saying, "No one will prevent me from travelling to Ramallah."
    Let's manufacture a "human rights" crisis: The mean old Jews won't let poor Yasser go to church. But Yasser heroically stands up to them. The violins in the National Sympathy Orchestra should be tuning up at this very moment. How's it feel being manipulated?
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-12-23
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=801