
Stupe Who Called Bush 'Moron' Quits
A top aide to Prime Minister Jean Chretien resigned Tuesday over the controversy caused by her private comment last week that U.S. President George W. Bush was a moron. Francoise Ducros, who initially offered to quit but was kept on by Chretien, is leaving the prime minister's office after all, said a statement issued by Chretien's chief of staff.
She'll be pursuing a personally rewarding career in the food service industry in Yellow Knife...
In a letter of resignation to Chretien, Ducros wrote: ``It is very apparent to me that the controversy will make it impossible for me to do my job. I would therefore like to leave my position as director of communications immediately,'' the letter said.
"I mean, no one can do an important job like I used to have until I screwed things up so badly with people calling her 'stupe,' 'beauzeau,' and 'shit for brains.' It's distracting..."
Chretien accepted the resignation this time, responding in a letter: ``In your almost four years as director of communications, you have served the government as a whole, and me personally, with extraordinary skill and dedication.''
"Please give my highest regards to the people who patronize the chicken joint you'll be working in."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-11-26