
Schroeder pledges Germany will supply Israel with Patriot missiles
Germany will provide Israel with Patriot anti-missile systems, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder was quoted Tuesday as saying, indicating that Germany wants to help Israel defend against any Iraqi attack if war erupts in the Middle East. "If Israel needs an increase in security, we will help - and on time," Schroeder was quoted as saying by the weekly Die Zeit. Germany had "a historic and moral duty," he added.
You could say that.
In Jerusalem, the Israeli Defense Ministry said it asked Germany for Patriot missiles more than a year ago and was waiting for an answer. Israeli officials raised the request again during talks at the German Defense Ministry last week, the Israeli statement said. The German air force has 30 Patriot missile systems in service, and the daily Die Welt said Israel wants them to strengthen its defense against Iraqi missiles.

Germany is among some 50 countries discreetly contacted by US President George W. Bush to ask what they might contribute to military action against Iraq. Officials have given few details, and government spokesman Hans-Hermann Langguth said Monday the request was "unspecific." The Defense Ministry spokesman said Israel's request was separate from the US move.
Sure it was, Hans. Nothing to do with it at all.

Posted by: Steve 2002-11-26