
Nasrallah urges global suicide bombing campaign...
The leader of the Lebanese Muslim group Hezbollah is urging a global suicide bombing campaign, increasing the prospect that the regional conflict between Arabs and Israelis will expand to mimic or even merge with al Qaeda's war against the West.
They've been edging toward that for some time.
Two recent speeches by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, have raised the specter of attacks outside the region by a powerful and well-organized military force. "By Allah, if they touch Al Aqsa we will act everywhere around the world," Sheik Nasrallah told an estimated 10,000 gun-toting, bearded fighters in southern Lebanon on Friday. Several hundred "suicide commandos" also took part.
Hezbollah's been Iran's creature for, lo, these many years. I wonder how this fits in with Larijani's remarks yesterday, where he wanted Iran to be our good buddy? Is the Hezb striking out on its own?
Earlier in the week, at a rally in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, Sheik Nasrallah issued a far more ominous threat. "Martyrdom operations — suicide bombings — should be exported outside Palestine," he said. "I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it."
"We should all do it. See? I've got a boom belt, too..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-04