
Hassan Butt jugged in Manchester...
Sharon e-mailed me this. Sorry, no link. It's from AFP and Bloomberg, but I couldn't find it. Should show up on the wires soon, though...
A member of a militant Islamic group has been arrested in Britain for recruiting Muslims to fight British forces, Agence France-Presse reported, citing the organization's director. Hassan Butt, 22, was arrested under the Terrorism Act at his home in Manchester, northwest England, and taken to a London police station for questioning, AFP quoted Anjem Choudary, director of the group known as al-Muhajiroun as saying. In January, Butt told British Broadcasting Corp. radio he had recruited 200 British Muslims to fight on the side of the now-deposed Taliban regime in Afghanistan, AFP said.
I was never able to figure why Hassan wasn't either jugged or bumped off by either the Brits or the Paks. Then I quit worrying about it when I ran across a posting on one of the Jihadi boards — it might have been on Azzam.com — warning about him. Apparently he wasn't nabbed because the Feds from at least three countries were watching the people he was associating with and recruiting, and a bunch of them were snagged. Guess his utility is used up.
Al-Muhajiroun is one of the most militant Islamic groups in Britain. Its spiritual leader, Sheikh Omar Bakri, is based in London.
He's also a virulent nut case. The headline of their most recent (October 24th) press release reads: "WESTERN VALUES ARE PERVERTED VALUES". That's because only God can make laws, and God, as we all know, speaks only through pious holy men with turbans and automatic weapons.
Try to put this wretched system next to the beauty and perfection of the Islamic ideology and there really can be no comparison. For a start Islam does not recognise ‘freedom’ but rather insists on complete submission to the law of Allah in all the affairs of society, whether that be in the ruling, social, economic or judicial systems or in the foreign policy of the Islamic State. There is no compulsion for non-Muslims to embrace Islam but no compromise in obeying the ISLAMIC law of the land, upon Muslims and non-Muslims. Democracy is also anathema to Islam, since Muslims do not believe in the rule of the majority or in elections every 4 or 5 years or in sovereignty for anyone or anything other than Allah, whether that is the people, their government or any constitution, be it the UN, OIC or any other body. As for secularism, Islam considers anyone adopting this to have committed an act of apostasy, for considering any part of life’s affairs to be outside the ambit of the divine law will make one a non-Muslim apostate.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-04