
Blasts Kill 15, Hurt 200 in Bangladesh
Bombs exploded simultaneously Saturday at three movie houses in northern Bangladesh, killing at least 15 people and wounding at least 200 others, a news report said. The movie houses were filled because of Islamic Eid-ul-Fitr festival marking the end of the Ramadan month of fasting. The explosions occurred in Mymensingh town, 70 miles north of the capital, Dhaka, the United News of Bangladesh reported. The report said the death toll was likely to increase. One bomb exploded when a large number of people were coming out of a movie theater after the evening show. Two other bombs went off at two other theaters, where the films were in progress.
We haven't been hearing much about Bangla in the past year. Even the Indian press doesn't spend much time on it, despite the presence of some fairly active Bad Guy networks. It's kind of the Topeka or Des Moines of the terror world — a nice place to live, but you don't want to visit there. But they have the same problems any other Islamic country does, in some cases even moreso, and they're reputed to have an al-Qaeda presence to help things along. That being the case, there's no surprise that the Bad Guys will try and kill people going out for an evening to enjoy themselves.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-07