
Haji Qadir quits Bonn talks
  • Haji Abdul Qadir, governor of the eastern province of Nangahar, quit the talks on Afghanistan's future just as they were about to start picking names of leaders to be selected as deputies in a new interim parliament. Qadir was the second-ranked member in the delegation of the Northern Alliance. Ahmad Wali Masood, the Alliance's London representative, said Qadir had not told the delegation why he was leaving but had apparently complained to a radio reporter that Pashtuns were not sufficiently represented at the talks. The Northern Alliance has agreed to an outline deal with three exile groups for an interim parliament and executive including all factions. Masood said Pashtuns made up 58 percent of the Afghans at the U.N.-sponsored talks. The Pashtuns make up about 40 percent of the population, followed by the Tajiks -- the biggest group in the Northern Alliance -- at 25 percent.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-11-30
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=850