
That Xmas feeling...
Rotty points to this musing on NukeVet:
Once again, we need to be sure that everyone's sensibilities are protected. Except, apparently, for those of Christians who actually celebrate Christ's Mass as a spiritual event, rather than a material orgy of gift giving and over-indulgence.

This behavior just makes me crazy, and I'm a freaking atheist. But, even though I don't believe that a supreme being created the physical universe, I would NEVER try and interfere with someone's right to peacefully follow their faith. Let's remove all semblance of religion from the Christmas holidays, because non-Christians will possibly feel excluded. How about this as a plan: If you aren't Christian, then you don't get to be upset about a holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. If you want to join in the holiday pageantry, great! You bring the little Christmas tree shaped cookies for the office Christmas party. But if you don't want to participate, then keep your damn hands off of my holiday celebrations.

At some point, this freaking PC bullshit has to end.

And to all you cheap, exclusivist Islamic bastards that didn't buy me anything for Eid Fitr — Thhhhhpppp!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-17