
Iran shuts down Afghan Hezbollah offices in Mashhad...
Afghan state-run television and radio reported with great delight news on the Iranian police move in northeastern city of Mashhad to close Afghan Hizbullah offices because of their illegal operations. They quoted Alireza Moayyeri, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Education and Research Affairs, as saying that the measure was taken in line with the Islamic Republic's policy of supporting President Hamid Karzai's government in Afghanistan.

Summing up the reason for the closure, Moayyery was quoted by the same sources, the operation of Afghan jihadi groups in the Islamic Republic of Iran are based on the permits which the Interior Ministry issues under certain conditions and these offices probably did not have such a permit." Moayyeri said earlier, "The Islamic Republic of Iran, according to its policy of helping with stability and security in Afghanistan, considers its central government, led by Hamid Karzai, as the side for negotiations and business."

Tehran has so far closed several offices of Afghanistan's opposition offices in the northwestern city of Mashhad, including those of Afghan warlord and head of the Hizbi-Islami group, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
That's a real friendly action. I don't know anything about the Afghan Hezbollah — I'd guess it's bands of religious fascisti similar to the Iranian domestic Hezbollah.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-17