
Iraq May be Hiding Weapons in Syria: Israeli PM
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Tuesday said Iraq has been transferring banned weapons of mass destruction to Syria to try to escape UN inspections.
From the Axis of Evil to the Axis of Almost as Evil...
Sharon made the remarks in an interview with the country's private Channel Two television station, saying the suspicion was based on unconfirmed information, which has no evidence to support yet. Israel is trying to verify the information.
Certain parties in Damascus are already drafting their denials...
Syria, which took part in the 1991 Gulf War that drove Iraq from Kuwait, has since rebuilt ties with Baghdad after decades of rivalry. The Israeli allegation came as Iraq repeatedly stated that its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programme have already been destroyed while the United States has threatened to disarm Iraq by force if Baghdad does not obey concerned UN resolutions.
"Destroyed, moved out of the country, same thing, right?"


Syria denied claims by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that Iraq may be transferring chemical and biological weapons to Syria, saying Wednesday that the accusation aims to divert attention from Israel's arsenal. "This accusation against Syria is ridiculous because Syria signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and called all Arab states to make the Middle East clear of weapons of mass destruction whether nuclear, chemical or biological weapons," a foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement faxed to The Associated Press in Damascus. "The only side that still stands against this call is Israel," the spokesman said.
Toldja so. That call wasn't close to tough...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-25