
Azhar Urges Possession of Nukes to Defend Nation, Deter Enemies
CAIRO - Al-Azhar House of Fatwa has issued a fatwa that it is a religious obligation for Muslim countries to possess nuclear weapons and other developed arms with the purpose of defending themselves, deterring the enemies and staving off any aggression from countries that possess similar weapons. Allah Almighty urges the Muslim Ummah to have the necessary means of power and logistics that are capable of securing its interests, and preserving its sanctity against any violation, said the fatwa.
Yep. There's no other way...
With these necessary measures in effect, the whole Ummah will stand erect and will undoubtedly put fear in the hearts of its enemies, who leave no stone unturned in encroaching on the whole Ummah and backing all Muslims into a corner, it added. The fatwa recalled that Quran urges the Ummah to be fully aware of its enemies in order to enable Muslims to prepare and to have at least equal means of deterrence, if not greater means.
It's the only way for Islamists to regain their lost honor, isn't it?
Sheikh Alaa El-Shanawihi, member of Al-Azhar House of Fatwa, asserted that when Islam orders Muslims to equip themselves with modern means of deterrence, its aim is not to tell Muslims to make mischief on the earth but to dismay the enemy of Allah.
"We can do anything we want, as long as we have these babies!"
Responding to a similar question on how Islam views possession of nukes, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America, stressed that the issue of a states possessing weapons does not need much attention as does the point of how these weapons are used and utilized. He underlined that Islam calls for the preservation of environment and this includes purging the universe of all what may harm it. Islam is the religion of peace: peace in life of the individual, family and society, he said, adding that Islam stands for the peace among the people and communities and peace in the whole world.
Hand me that barf bag, please...
He underlined, however, that Islam is also the religion of strength.
And might makes right...
Islam is aware that the world in which we live is not the ideal world and that there are forces of evil and corruption in this world, said the scholar. He stressed that Muslims should be on their guard and should be strong, so that they are not attacked, asserting that Islam views strength as the greatest deterrence of war. If Muslims are strong, (their) enemies will think many times before attacking them, he added.
If Muslims preferred reason to jihad, their enemies wouldn't think at all of attacking them, would they? Come to think of it, they wouldn't have any.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-25