
Anti-U.S. movement called for
Yun Ki Jin, chairman of the south headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon), in an appeal on Dec. 22 reportedly called upon the South Korean youth and students to turn out in an all-out anti-U.S. struggle. Recalling that what the U.S. troops have done in South Korea is nothing but killing, plunder and rape, the appeal noted that the people are turning out in the anti-U.S. struggle to put an end to the disgraceful colonial history.
The "disgraceful colonial history" has made SKor a world economic power. Somehow the "plunder" left a lot of money there...
If all Koreans are to escape a nuclear disaster it is necessary for the youth and students to exert all efforts to shatter the U.S. moves to unleash a nuclear war against the north and increase their role in encouraging all the people to turn out in the struggle to force the U.S. troops to withdraw from South Korea, said the appeal.
Good idea. Pull the U.S. troops out. The SKors have a perfectly good army of their own — a fact we sometimes tend to forget back here in the U.S. of A. Unless South Korea's military has degraded in quality over the past few year, in the event of conventional war with the North, the U.S. troops would be nothing more than a magic feather.
The appeal called upon the youth and students to devote their patriotic enthusiasm to the joint struggle of Pomchonghakryon, the all-out anti-U.S. struggle under the uplifted banner of the anti-U.S., anti-war and anti-nuke struggle and thus bring about a bright future of the nation in 2003.
Saying "anti-U.S., anti-war and anti-nuke" is twice redundant, isn't it?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-27