
Terror Suspects Arrested in France Reported Aiming at Russian Targets
The French Interior Ministry says terrorism suspects arrested near Paris recently planned to attack Russian targets, particularly that country's embassy. The arrests stemmed from a French investigation into networks that infiltrate extremists into Chechnya. The French news agency AFP quotes the Ministry as saying the networks have been dismantled and its plans thwarted.
I think the last thing the Chechens need right about now is more attacks on Russian targets
French authorities say one of four men arrested Tuesday has been identified as the brother of an al-Qaida suspect held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They believe the man, Menad Benchellali, is the brother of Mourad Benchellali, who was arrested nearly a year ago in Pakistan. The latest arrests were announced Thursday. Police seized the four men in Romainville, a northern suburb of Paris. Officials said they belonged the same terror cell as four other men who were arrested last week in another Paris suburb, La Courneuve. Police say they are analyzing possible bomb-making materials and equipment seized in both raids. The Associated Press reports the family of the Benchellali brothers has accused the United States of holding Mourad Benchellali illegally. The report says U.S. authorities rejected the family's request to visit him at Guantanamo Bay.
Meanwhile, Spain's Interior Ministry says Spanish police have arrested an Algerian terror suspect, Abdelkrim Hammad, who was allegedly trained at Osama bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan.
And, British officials have charged an eighth Algerian man, Karim Ziem, this week under the country's anti-terrorist laws.
Algerians seem to be moving into first place in the voting for terrorist MVP. All you Yemenis and Saudis need to try harder.
Posted by: Steve 2002-12-27