
French Soldiers Clash With Rebels in Western Ivory Coast
French troops clashed with rebels in western Ivory Coast on Friday, their second serious engagement in a three-month war that has crippled the former French colony. "A French patrol was set upon by a group of around 30 to 40 rebels on foot. They fired on the French soldiers, who responded," said Lt. Col. Ange-Antoine Leccia, a spokesman for the French army.
"Eat lead, Frenchy! Ouch! Hey, how cum they ain't surrendering?"
No French soldiers were injured. Leccia said the French used 80mm mortars to repel the rebels. About 15 French soldiers, who were patrolling in jeeps, were involved in the clash. The attack took place near the town of Duekoue, some 55 miles south of the rebel-held town of Man. Elite French Legionnaires and paratroopers are posted in the town, to prevent the rebels from advancing south. Friday's clash came less than a week after French soldiers fired on a rebel convoy that was speeding toward them northeast of Duekoue. The rebels ignored warning shots and fired on the French soldiers before the order to return fire was given. Three rebel cars were destroyed by tank-mounted cannon, and six rebels were killed.
You rebels wanted a war. Ok, you got one.
Posted by: Steve 2002-12-27