
N.Korea is beginning to implode, slowly but surely
North Korea warned that confrontation with the United States was inevitable as tensions escalated over its decision to expel United Nations monitors from a controversial nuclear site.

"Inevitable is the confrontation with the imperialists as long as they do not abandon the aggressive and predatory nature," said a commentary in Sunday's edition of the Rodong Sinmun newspaper -- the mouthpiece of the ruling communist party.
It appears the Sabor Rattling is geeting ready to cross that little line of sobriety
"The imperialist reactionaries are seriously mistaken if they think they would bring the Korean people who regard independence as their life and soul to their knees with pressure," it added.

The latest salvo in the war of rhetoric came after the North Korean government organization in charge of Korean affairs said in a statement that the United States was "desperate to bar the Korean nation from achieving reconciliation and cooperation by itself."

"Timed to coincide with its futile 'nuclear racket', the US is deepening the crisis on the Korean peninsula by shamelessly meddling in the issues related to the inter-Korean relations and hamstringing the process to warm them," said the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland in a statement Saturday.

The accusation coincided with an anti-US rally in Pyongyang by some 10,000 people who called for "sacred anti-US resistance".
10,000 people? I've seen more people at animal cruelty protest
North Korea has come under widespread international condemnation for taking a series of steps to restart a nuclear power plant that could be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium.
Oops, Dear leader forgot to sensor that line

Posted by: Richard 2002-12-29