
FBI Searching for Five Illegal Arabs
The FBI said Sunday it is looking for five men of Arab ancestry who may have entered the country illegally last week. The agency said the five men are believed to have arrived in the United States on or before Christmas Eve. The five men are: Abid Noraiz Ali, Iftikhar Khozmai Ali, Mustafa Khan Owasi, Adil Pervez and Akbar Jamal, all born between 1969 and 1983. The FBI warned that the names and birth dates may be false. The FBI said it had no indication the men were linked to terrorist activities, but still wanted to question the five "based upon information developed in the course of ongoing investigations." The FBI said it was working with the Customs, Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Transportation Security Agency to find the men.
Maybe nothing to it — though the method of entry into the country doesn't say so. Could also be the next attack on us, so I hope they find them quick.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-12-29