
Majlis approves law on personal freedoms
Majlis on Wednesday approved the outlines of a law that would make all officials accountable for violating the "personal freedoms of individuals". The MPs were discussing changes to an existing law which only referred to officials as being members of Iran's "executive power", which is currently held by reformists loyal to President Mohammad Khatami. That excluded officials in the judiciary, security forces and legislative oversight bodies, all of which are controlled by religious conservatives.
Who feel free to exempt themselves from such minor details, since they're the ones who're really in charge...
According to the new law discussed Wednesday, in a debate carried on state radio, "officials and authorities dependent on any regime institution will be banned from governmental posts from one to five years, or jailed from two months to three years, if they violate the personal freedoms of citizens or deprive them of the rights stated in the Islamic Republic constitution."
Another pieces of legislation for the Guardians Council to veto. But putting them on record as being against it will be another nail in their coffin.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-01