
War of the pamphlets in Kunar...
Source: AFP
A previously unknown organisation has distributed pamphlets in eastern Afghanistan vowing to bring to justice Osama bin Laden, Taliban leader Mullah Omar and former premier Gulbaddin Hikmatyar, the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) reported Wednesday.
Y'mean the "previously unknown organization" isn't the gummint? Or does that mean that Afghans haven't previously known what a gummint is?
The pamphlets carrying pictures of the trio wanted by the US forces, urged people to “recognise the black faces of Afghanistan history,” the AIP said. Saudi dissident “Osama fled his country. He is a traitor, who plunges into anarchy any country he visits,” the leaflets quoted by the agency said. AIP said the single sheet pamphlets published in Pushto by the so-called Ittehad-e-Islami Mujahideen and Muhajereen Afghanistan (Islamic Unity of Afghan holy warriors and refugees) asked people to beware of the “sinister” designs of the trio.
The grabbed the name of Rasool Sayyaf's old party? What a nice slap in the face — unless Rasool's decided his bread's buttered on the government side and decided to clean up in Dodge...
“They are upset over the process of peace and reconstruction initiated in Afghanistan. Once again they want bloodshed in Afghanistan.” It asked former Afghan commanders, religious leaders and mujahideen not to be misled by the propaganda of these “murderers.” People will very soon see with their own eyes that the trio would face trial and be brought to justice, the leaflet said. The AIP said the leaflets have been distributed in Kunar province where troops are engaged in the hunt for Taliban and Al Qaeda fugitives. It also followed reports that radical anti-US leader Hikmatyar was in the region’s Shigal district, the agency said, without giving details.
It also coincides with the Bad Guys handing out their own leaflets and pamphlets...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-03